St. Croix Adventures

My tops things to do in St. Croix

6/29/20233 min read

As promised in the last blog, I will give you details about my must do things in St. Croix. Now as I mentioned before, I am a water baby through and through, so inevitably I will start with those things. My number one recommendation is to book the bioluminescence bay tour. There are a couple companies out there that do those tours, but they can only be done when the moon is just right, so definitely look in advance and book in advance. The next would have to be Buck Island Tour, there are also a couple of companies that do those as well. You can do a half day sail or full day; the full day they will give you lunch and some Rum Punch at the end. They will take you from the Christiansted Boardwalk to the national reef to snorkel around for a while and from there you go to Buck Island to explore around there. They will mention that there are these native fruits that look like apples that hang from the trees that you DO NOT eat, they are super poisonous and if it rains and you’re under the tree, the sap will burn your skin. Just a little warning 😊. Next adventure I would suggest would be the Carambola Zipline. I was so scared to go on it, but I had the best time ever! There are 3 different ziplines, the first gets you started with a small trip, the next one is longer and then goes to the longest! SO much fun and highly recommend this. I cannot forget the tide pools! You hike through the rainforest, right in Carambola. It’s about a 45min hike up and down all the huge hills and through. Once you reach the beach you must travel over huge rocks to enter the tide pools but once you do! It is the most beautiful site I have ever seen. The water is clear, you can see all the way to the bottom. The rocks surrounding it, tall so you can’t even see out of the area you are in. You can even climb to the top of them and jump off (at your own discretion of course). Out of everything that I’ve done on this BEAUTIFUL island, this is still the top of my list. I am so thankful for the people that took us on that trip. We woke up at 4am and started that journey but it was more than worth the lack of sleep. To watch the sunrise above those rocks and glisten off that gorgeous water was breathtaking. The top 5 best beaches (in my opinion). #1 for me is Sandy Point on the west side of the island. It has the sandiest beach and bluest water, next to Buck Island. #2 Hotel on the Cay (pronounced Key), you must take a short boat ride across to this remote island from the Christiansted Boardwalk. It is so worth it though, not only is there a hotel that you can stay at, but it has a restaurant and bar right there at the beach. You can rent chairs, a small cabana, or even umbrellas. The boat ride is a few dollars that you pay as you enter the island, there is no fee to return to Christiansted though. #3 Shoy’s Beach. This is a remote beach where you must travel through a tunnel that is made of trees and roots. The best entrance to any of the beaches in my opinion. They might even have some chickens or iguanas to keep you company. #4 Buccaneer. This is a golf resort that has a restaurant and bar right at the beach as well. You also must pay for chairs and umbrellas, and it has a little dock that you can walk out on to. #5 Rainbow. They have jet ski rentals, a bar/restaurant, and beach chairs as well. It Is a little rocky when entering the water but there’s plenty of sea life around the rocks that you can snorkel to look at. For nightlife, there are plenty of little bars around the island. It really depends on your vibe and what you like. The boardwalk in Christiansted has a lot of bars that jump at night and a great vibe. Like I stated previously, I have so many stories to share about this particular island, but I have so many to share of my other adventures as well. Stay tuned and don’t be scared to reach out and ask questions.
